We have been supporting Chipembele, a local wildlife education trust since 2015 by donating a portion of all proceeds every year.
AS OF 2024 WE HAVE provided
Thanks to purchases through our online store, we have managed to do our part in supporting Chipembele Wildlife Eduucation Trust with a total of $xxxxx.
This money has been donated to Chipembele to support their essential work in education and wildlife rehabilitation.
The Vital Work Of Chipembele
2024 Stats
Within the Chipembele Wildlife Education Trust lies a multi-faceted team that combines to address as many wildlife issues as possible.
These teams are made up of:
- conservation education in schools
- conservation education in communities
- animal rehabilitation centre
- aspiring conservation leader programme
- mobile education unit
- chipembele conservation education centre
- gender equality programme
The combined effort of these teams has had incredible cascade effects in our community, allowing for education to be spread far and wide even to the most remote areas.
Our Glass Recycling Workshop
With every indvidual recycled glass item produced a portion of the proceeds is donated to Chipembele. Our essential glass recycing workshop turns the used bottles from lodges into beautiful creations and preventing the destruction that comes from landfill.
We Provide Two Week Placements
Our partnerships
We have partnered with Chipembele to provide two week placements to students allowing them to expand their prior knowledge on recycling and get an in depth view of the vital recycling work we do here at Tribal Textiles.
As discussed above this is in direct collaboration with our glass workshop that provides placements to young members of our community who care deeply about protecting our planet. This amazing relationship keeps new and fresh ideas flowing into our workshop on how to expand our recycling initiatives. These placements are possible through your purchases and help build careers.
Help support today through Tribal Textiles!
Thank You For Your Support
make zambia's future bright
Without YOUR purchases, we would not be able to provide donations through sales to Chipembele Wildlife Education Trust and beyond.