Leeman Malaula
Production Manager
Tribal Textiles
Can you introduce yourself and tell us about your role within the company?
Hey! My name is Leeman Kabunda Malaula, I’m 27 years old and I’m from Lusaka. I'm a city boy in the valley of Mfuwe! I’ve been in the creative business almost my entire life and I have been actively working for the last 7 years and serving in the production sector. I would describe myself as outgoing, creative and down to earth.
When did you join Tribal Textiles and why did you pick Tribal Textiles?
One of the reasons that made me pick tribal was that I felt it's contribution toward sustainability was above and beyond, and they work with climate friendly projects. It empowers the local community, aligning with one of my core values.
What is your impression of Tribal as a company so far?
So far it's a creative environment with so many creative people. My dream was to manage a team of creative people and so tribal textiles is exactly that.
positive working
One month in, what is your favourite part of your job so far?
The painting aspect of the production flow. In my last job, the fabric I used was already done and I was not able see that process, so here it’s amazing to see that part being made.
What do you hope to achieve whilst working with Tribal?
I think one of them would be good working relationships and creating a great environment to pave the way for other young people in the textile industry. There are not many young people able to access and hold high positions such as mine in the textile industry.
My Colleagues
Tribal Fun
Have any colleagues stood out to you ?
Nelly, Treaser, Richard Mwanza and Jen have been stand out colleagues for me. For me when it comes to Richard, he’s like a magician, his eye to detail is top tier and everytime you put him to task he delivers and is ready for the next challenge.
Treaser is a very hard-working woman, shes always up for the job and she manages everybody on the workshop floor, she is the mother of production. Nelly has amazing leadership qualities, not only is she team lead but shes a team player.
Laslty, Jen is a true definition of what innovation is, every day she has an idea up her sleeve and it is so inspiring to work with someone who tries to bring new ideas in everyday and want to try out something new. She’s one of the reasons why I feel like I’m going to be at Tribal for a long time.
A creative journey to come…
Tribal In a Nutshell
To round up this amazing company I would say it is inclusive, creative, outgoing and innovative. I am excited to continue my wonderful journey with Tribal!
City boy in the bush!
Colleague Testimonials on Leeman
Design and Marketing Manager
Jennifer Jarvis
It’s been great having Leeman managing production at Tribal Textiles so far, I knew it would be tough to see someone take my place but he’s absolutely smashing it. I can’t wait to get creative with him, I just know that we’re going to make some amazing collections together so watch this space!
Design and Marketing Manager
Jennifer Jarvis
It’s been great having Leeman managing production at Tribal Textiles so far, I knew it would be tough to see someone take my place but he’s absolutely smashing it. I can’t wait to get creative with him, I just know that we’re going to make some amazing collections together so watch this space!