Emmanuel Mbewe
Head Of Sewing
Can you introduce yourself and tell us about your role within the company?
I’m Emmanuel Mbewe, I was born in 1979, my mother is Gertrude Phiri and my father is Posiyano Mbewe and I live in the Mambwe District. I have 9 children! I have twins!
I went to school in Chipata until grade 11. However, unfortunately the school was troubled so I ended up leaving early. I had one year out and then I joined Tribal Textiles.
I had a small Singer machine at home so I had some brief sewing knowledge but I learnt a lot more when I joined Tribal. I’ve always been in the sewing department but I have helped out in others.
In 2015 I became the head of the sewing department, I had gone to learn more skills in Lusaka with Gillie (original owner and founder of Tribal) at her workshop there. Whilst I was training Gillie saw that I was quite good and so when I returned I was promoted to head of the sewing department.
Why did you pick Tribal Textiles?
It’s an interesting story! I was actually playing football at the time, i’m a good player! A man called Peter Batton was an account at Tribal Textiles, he formed a football team for Tribal and I joined it. I guess he noticed me because I was a good player, he asked me if I did anything else in my spare time which of course was sewing and so he asked me to join Tribal Textiles! And next minute I'm sewing away!

Inspiring Colleagues
positive working
Tell us about a colleague past or present who was inspiring to you.
My colleague Christopher Phiri, when I joined Tribal Textiles. He was the one who was teaching me how to sew on an electrical machine and how to sew the products that Tribal was selling. I’d like to also include a previous colleague Nedson, he was the head of the department at the time and so he was teaching me a lot! Without both of them, I wouldn’t be the sewer I am today.
Do you have a favourite collection, design or product of Tribals?
We used to have a collection called Kunda which I admired and the Carnivore collection. I’d love to make those again.

Rewarding Moments
The job
What is the most rewarding part of your job?
I simply love sewing, maybe I can say I gain something from it, because not only do I do it here, but I also spend my spare time doing it.
How would you describe Tribal Textiles?
Tribal Textiles is a good company, I can say that because they employ many people and then they give good wages on a monthly basis and It's like a training school where people learn new skills. The people here communicate well, we learn through one another.
Co-Worker Testimonials
production manager
Being a head of a department isn't easy but emmaunel always makes it seem like a walk in the park. He is always up for a task and ready to tackle a challenge! We all love Emmanuel.

Laughs And Memories
Tell me about a memorable moment working at Tribal
It’s not a memory of my own, but I love the story of Gillie starting Tribal and how local people just thought it was a bit of a joke, you see ... people were used to seeing safari lodges/farms/mines. Until she really showed people how serious she was by moving Tribal to have a large workshop by the road side and selling so many things to people passing by.